Monday, December 29, 2008
Business in front, party in the back!
First, one of the great "Literal Video Versions". I'm a huge fan of the A-Ha video, but thought I'd toss this one out from Tears for Fears.
And now, just a few photos I found while browsing the web. I was going to do strictly mullets, but I couldn't pass up the Glamour Shots dude, ala Uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite. The worst part about this one is I found this on this guy's own personal Flickr site!!! He's so proud of this pic. The tag on it said "taken about 10 years ago" which only makes it worse!!! He's still got a porn stache and wearing a class ring in 1998?
This guy must have definitely been riding a pussy train that wasn't stopping!
The next one scares me a bit, because I pretty sure that this guy would kill me if he ever saw me posting this on here. I can just about guarantee this dude has tons of guns and other weapons with which he could use to dismember and mutilate my body all while wearing my skin.
This last one hurts my soul a little. I know people make themselves look like fucking idiots all the time, but this poor little Joe Dirt never had a chance in life. And to make it worse, I'm pretty sure I went to high school with these people.
So there it is, my dear readers. A little multimedia adventure with Bubba himself. Let me know what you think, I'll try to find some more fun like this in the future.
I mean, fuck it, if I've got nothing pissing me off at the moment, I might as well laugh at some unfortunate fuck stick out there.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thundercats! Ho!
I'd like to assume most of you would realize this trailer was only a fun little project made by a nerd of the highest level. A nerd that I truly admire, although I've never met him before. I doubt he rarely ever leaves his hobbit hole unless he's running out to replace his worn out 1d20. (That's nerd speak for a 20 sided die)
Regardless, did you see the amazing result from wasting a year and a half of your life? Think of all the sweet things you could do if you holed yourself up and spent over 18 months concentrating on one sole project. Me? I couldn't do it. I'd end up wasted and eating peanut butter off of a wooden spoon.
Just to give the guy credit, he goes by WormyT on Youtube, and apparently he Photoshopped every single frame and then edited this in Photoshop's video editor. Really fucking sweet.
Obviously, you've got Troy, Chronicles of Riddick, and X-Men in there, but there is so much more, and I'm only starting to find all the hidden gems. Snarf from Garfield, Cheetara from Farscape, Kit and Kat from Spy Kids, the ThunderTank from Aliens, Jaga from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Monkeyian and Jackalman from Planet of the Apes. Jesus, this list goes on and on.
There are more things in there, and some I have to verify before I make myself look like an idiot. I don't want to be like Anonymous (not you Josh) and start blurting out shit that doesn't make sense.
So what did you think? What did you find that I didn't mention? And why the fuck can't Hollywood make this movie?
All hail WormyT, for he is an Alpha Nerd. And thanks to Jonny Whatever for finding this and bringing it to my attention. He's also a nerd, but no where near as good at it as WormyT is.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas is here! Ah ah, not for you, Hippie!
I find it humorous that so many self righteous liberal fucking tree huggers are out cutting down trees because Jesus told them to. Let's not forget that they're also out there in their gas guzzling SUV's picking them up.
Now don't get me wrong, I think global warming is a fucking joke. The earth's climate is cyclical, and more so it's primarily influenced by solar activity. If you don't believe me, I hope you scrape your foreskin off while dry humping the pine tree in your living room.
But for all of you who believe in global warming, I'm going to suggest a few things for you to help cut down your "carbon footprint." Oh, and fuck off if you seriously think you can change things, but here you go anyway:
1. Don't buy a tree. Not even a fake one. Plastic trees are made from petroleum products, and I don't want to pay more for gas. And if you buy live trees, you might as well go clear cut a forest and kill some cute little bunnies and deer with your own hands.
2. Don't buy cards for people. Hallmark is holding your brain hostage with half assed limericks. Besides, cards are made from paper. Paper comes from trees. Monkeys live in trees. You might as well be personally drowning a monkey in your holiday spirit.
3. Don't buy presents for anyone. Virtually anything you buy will be made or packaged with products made from petroleum or dead plants and animals. Fuck, you can't even give someone a piece of driftwood, because then you're depriving the earth the nutrients that would be returned to the soil if it was allowed to decompose.
Now, I know, some of you are thinking, "But Bubba, why are you such a grinch?" I'm not, but I think anyone that believes Al Gore is right should shove a pine cone covered in candy cane shards up their ass.
I love Christmas, but I want any of you that believe in global warming to go tell every small child you see that Christmas is canceled. Tell them Santa Claus had to lay off the elves due to the recession. While you're at it, tell them he's grilling the reindeer over his yule log because they were producing too much methane and making holes in the ozone layer. And by the way, Rudolph was delicious with Mrs. Claus'homemade cranberry glaze.
If you're not comfortable telling them that, then tell them that you truly believe their sacrifices are in the best interest of Mother Earth. Tell them global warming is true, and they need to forgo Christmas so we can all survive. And when they cry, I want you to collect their tears in a jar so you can go water the Blue Spruce saplings at the pine tree farm.
So Merry Christmas, you liberal brain-washed fuck sticks. Just try to eliminate your "carbon footprint" during the holidays, I fucking dare you.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sorry, I've been absent
Shit hole bars, here I come.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Chris Chelios will be at the Van!
Chris Fucking Chelios will be playing both Friday and Saturday for the Grand Rapids Griffins at the Van Andel Arena!
Get your tickets fast. They will sell out, I promise you.
Friday is Dollar Beer and Hot Dog night. Get drunk, eat some lips and assholes, watch a Red Wing legend.
Saturday has some annoying little twat from the Hannah Montana show. Get drunk, listen to a couple thousand screaming little girls, watch a Red Wing legend.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Be polite, you narcissistic fuckwads!
Today's lesson is cell phone etiquette.
Rule #1: If you're in a public setting, turn your ringer to silent.
I don't give a flying rat's ass what your ring tone is. You're not cool because you've got some new song on your phone, or Stewie Griffin saying some hilarious comment. Turn it the fuck off. You're not that important, and just because your phone rings doesn't mean you are.
Rule #2: Again, when in a public setting, take your phone off of speaker.
This rule applies to everyone, but mostly to Nextel subscribers like me. You have a button on your phone that takes it off of speaker. Everyone at the monster truck rally doesn't need to know that your cousin has herpes. Honestly, would you hold a conversation with someone standing next to you at that same volume level? Shut the fuck up, we don't want to hear you.
Rule #3: If you're in a movie, play, recital, or other quiet place, don't answer your phone.
Once again, dick wads, you are not the center of the fucking universe. If the call is that important, either A) take it outside, or B) maybe you shouldn't fucking be there. Leave you ignorant self centered scrote.
Rule #4: If you don't want to answer your phone, don't let it sit there and ring until voice mail picks it up.
I get it, you have caller ID and you think you're being coy by letting voice mail answer the call from the creepy stalker dude. Fine. Don't answer it. TURN OFF THE FUCKING RINGER!!!
And by the way, you're not fooling anyone by not answering it. In fact, if I constantly sent you to voice mail, I think you'd get the hint faster.
The people around you shouldn't have to suffer through your ringer - or God forbid, a stupid fucking ring tone (see above) - just because you got wasted and gave someone your number (and your bodily fluids). I'm sure you were in a rut and wanted to make sure the plumbing worked and that's why you mounted that sea donkey. You made the mistake, I don't want to hear about it. By the way, get to the clinic and get some crackers for the steaming cheese growing between your thighs resulting from that lovely night.
Rule #4.1 You were rude enough to let your phone ring until voice mail answered it. Silence it now!
OK, cock breath, you thought that by not answering, the person you were avoiding would assume that you were busy and you would call back later. Wrong.
They're going to do 2 things. First, they'll leave a message, and don't act so fucking shocked when your ringer goes off letting you know you have voice mail. Second, they're going to call back because that's what stalkers and other anal retentive shit holes do. So do us all a favor, either shut your phone off or shut it up.
Rule #5: If you're hanging out with friends, don't constantly be on your phone - this includes texting especially.
This is the most important rule of all. Whether you were invited out or you invited your friends to come out, the idea that you send to your friends is this: You're way less important than ANY other person that may be calling or texting me. I'm going to make you wait, because not only are these other people more important than you, but I am too.
If all you're going to do is text back and forth like grade school girls wondering when their vaginas will start bleeding, stay the fuck home. Your friends are there to hang out with you because they enjoy your company, but trust me you stupid ass hat, that won't last long. You'll prove to them that you're no fun, can't hold a conversation and that they have no value to you.
Enjoy texting the rest of the self centered dill holes out there, because no one else will want to talk to you.
Rule #6: If you must answer your phone, read or respond to a text, or listen to a message, apologize to everyone around you immediately.
There are times when we need to take phone calls and respond to messages. Apologize for doing so, and take the phone away from the table or other gathering area. This will make your friends less uncomfortable and you'll look less like a douche bag.
Rule #7: Lastly, if you have room mates or other people that live with you, turn your phone or ringer off before you go to bed unless you're going to keep it in your room with you.
We all have different bed times, and for those that go to bed early, they shouldn't have to be woken up. In the quiet paradise that is your double wide, it's unnecessary to keep your ringer turned all the way up. I'm sure the whole trailer park can hear it, even over your neighbor getting wasted on 5 o'clock gin and jerking off to his wife's Garfield t-shirt.
For those that stay up later, they shouldn't have to go turn your ringer off because you're sound asleep and it keeps going for 20 fucking minutes or until someone shuts it off. Oh, and if this is you, don't get pissed when you realize you missed a call even though you didn't have the little note on the screen when you woke up from your grizzly bear slumber. In fact, you should fucking apologize.
So there it is, kids, just a few rules to keep you from being ostracized or strung up like the egomaniacal bloody crotch rag you really are. Try to be a little courteous and you'll probably find people won't want to kick you in the balls as often.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Taking a Technological Holiday
Here's to wishing you all a great Thanksgiving! Take at least one moment and realize how great we really have it. Honestly and without bitching, I'm just awed by how fast technology can move. I'll complain about it later, but take a step back and try to remember life before cell phones and the internet. If you're too young, try to imagine.
12 years ago you were in the minority if you had a cell phone. We had answering machines on our home phones, and some of us even had caller ID. Now, people look at you like a freak if you don't have a cell phone. I'm damn near an outcast because I removed text messaging from my phone.
15 years ago the internet was really just a toddler or adolescent at best. It was mostly text based, and there were things called BBS's instead of chat rooms. There was no streaming anything. And it was ALL dial up. Really fucking slow dial up.
I could go on and on, but more times than not, I long for the times before technology encroached my personal space. Maybe I'll just do my best to take myself off the grid for one day and enjoy a holiday. I'm not going to say more on this right now, because today I want to be thankful for my friends, my family, and for you who are reading this.
Yes, YOU.
Maybe you like the stupid stories I tell. Maybe you like feeling pissed off when you read something that goes against your beliefs. Maybe you feel validation if you agree with me. Or maybe you're Josh, and you just think I'm an asshole. ('Sup Josh!)
Regardless, thank you for reading and contributing, and I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What happened to the values our country used to have?
I'm going to take a step back and just give you some questions to ponder, things that have been running through my mind. I don't have concrete answers to these questions, but I have my own opinions to each of these.
Think about these things, and let me know what you think. Answer one or two, or answer all of them if you wish. Let your voice be heard.
These questions are in no particular order, but rather just randomly popping out of my evil little head.
*If you are going to benefit from Obama's redistribution of wealth, why do you deserve it?
*If you agree with Obama and redistribution of wealth, how much of your yearly income are you currently giving to people who have less than you?
*If you're not giving anything, why should someone else be forced to and you shouldn't?
*Does the American public have the same moral values it did 50 years ago? 20? 10?
*What happened to the value in having a good work ethic?
*Are "poor Americans" really "poor"?
*Do I have the right to tell you how to spend your free time? What about your money?
*What one thing would you most like to see President Elect Obama do in his term?
*At what point is someone considered "rich"?
*Should the media in all of its forms be moderated and forced to give both sides of an argument, or should we leave things as they are?
*At what point does freedom of speech conflict with "fairness" and/or the power of the dollar?
*Are the bailouts of the financial institutions and the auto industry good for our country and the value of the American dollar?
*Does JFK's quote "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" have any meaning in the society of today?
Think these over. Some of them you may not care about. Others you may have some real passion for. A handful or more I'm sure many people have never even pondered.
Tell me, readers. I want to know what you think. I want us to to be able to have a discussion, debate or discourse.
I'll leave you with this: "A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves." - Edward R. Murrow
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The Grand Rapids Griffins give more than big hits and high scores
Still haven't gotten much feed back on here, but hopefully that will all be changing soon. If not, I may just resort to writing a diary and keeping it to myself.
In the meantime, I wanted to share with you all a little story about the Grand Rapids Griffins. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Griffins, they are the AHL affiliate of the Detroit Red Wings. The fantastic part for us Red Wings fans who live on the West side of the state, we can get some great hockey games at very reasonable prices, and we get the benefit of seeing future (and sometimes former) Red Wings in action.
Here's the back story - My dad and I are season ticket holders for the Griffins, and unfortunately my dad had to go in for a quintuple bypass surgery on Halloween. ( I hinted at this in a previous post if you were wondering)
There were a lot of bad things about it, but one of his big gripes was having to miss a bunch of games.
Through some lucky meetings, my inquiry, and the generosity of the staff and players from the Griffins, I was able to get my dad one of the coolest get well presents ever.
Dad had joked about getting a stick signed by one of the players. I was able to out do that by quite a bit. Above is a photo of the stick I got from the equipment manager of the Griffins, which he had signed by not one player but the entire team!
I just wanted to give a public thanks to Brad and the whole team for taking a few moments of their time to do something to cheer up a man that they have never met. Too often in life it's the small acts of kindness that get over looked.
Thank you, Grand Rapids Griffins!!! You've earned a season ticket holder for life.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Obama proves his superior intellect
Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm has been named to Obama's Economic Transition Team. What the fuck was he thinking? Has he not seen what she has done to the economy in Michigan? That's like asking an alcoholic for advice on moderation.
Apparently if you're the Democratic version of Sarah Palin, you don't get ripped on for having zero qualifications. Oh, and we'll let the fact that you ran a state into the ground go unnoticed.
It doesn't matter that 5% of all the homes in Michigan are in foreclosure.
No one cares that we have a 9% unemployment rate. And in case you were wondering where Michigan ranks in the US, it would be dead last.
Nor does anyone give a fuck about the fact that there are 5 new automotive plants being built in the US, but not one of them will be built in the Motor City, let alone anywhere else in this state.
So explain to me, Obama supporters, why would your demi-god pick the person with the worst track record in the Democratic party? I truly don't know, and would love to hear your thoughts.
It's pretty sad when Bill Ballenger, editor of Inside Michigan Politics lists her strengths as "charismatic, a good public speaker, and she's outgoing." You know, Bob-fucking-Barker has all of those characteristics, too, but I don't want him anywhere near my tax dollars.
Ballenger went on to say he even thought that Granholm had a chance at being named the chair of the Democratic National Committee. For the love of God, I'd love to see that happen. Any of you Democrats that think the Republicans fucked things up, wait until you see the Super Team of Granholm and Obama.
Wonder Twin powers, get me the fuck out of here.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has Spoken.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
OK, you lazy bastards, it's time for your free shit
Welcome to the U.S.S.R of A.
Marxism has finally won. Say goodbye to your freedoms. You just traded them for a stimulus check.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has Spoken.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
After these Messages, We'll Be Right Back
I hope there are a few of you waiting anxiously to hear more about my run in with the ever so fearsome Sea Donkeys, but I'm going to be taking a break for a bit. Just as so you know, it's for family medical reasons. I don't want you to think I'm breaking up with you, but for a week or so there will not be much activity on my part.
That said, I'm going to try to work on some new things and ideas to post about. What would you like to hear my opinion on, stories about, etc.?
I must say, I'm currently enjoying the Grand Rapids Griffins. My dad and I are season ticket holders, and if you haven't seen them play yet this year, get your asses out there to a game.
I'll be more than happy to write more about them later, but let me know what you want.
That's all for now. Sorry for the even more lame blog than normal, but that's all I've got today.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
My invite to Anonymous
You obviously are far superior in all ways compared to me, and I only want to learn from your wisdom and experience.
Please, Anonymous, if you're going to keep calling me an asshole, grow some balls and do it here.
Hell, I'll even help you get started. "That asshole Bubba..."
There, now you fill in the rest. Go for it, big guy. I'm betting you could even finish that sentence faster than it would take you to eat your graham crackers and milk while watching your after school cartoons.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sea Donkeys, Good Beer and Designer NASCAR Jackets, PART 2
A Study of Local Wildlife
So to bring this back around, I decided after my family went to bed on Saturday that I would head up to the local watering hole and grab a brew. I suppose I didn’t make it clear, but I was back in town to visit my parents. There, filled in the gap.
Let me say this, since I have moved away from The Big H, a very nice microbrewery with a great selection of hand crafted beers has been introduced.
The Big H is also home to 2 other local restaurants with bars, one big chain restaurant with a bar, and the local dive bar. The local dive is by far the most interesting if you’re in the mood to see the wildlife.
There are fantastic displays of plumage from both the male and female Muppets, typically seen in extravagant mullets and Skynard t-shirts. The pool table is another area with a multitude of examples. You can commonly see strutting and the puffing out of chests.
The repeated feathering of hair – aided by large pastel combs conveniently concealed in the species back pockets – is only one more way the Muppets show their sexual prowess. Loud mating calls and abundant acts of violence are witnessed, surely put in place to determine territory and dominance within the herds. Truly this is a spectacle to behold.
While I enjoy viewing this type of nature in all its glory, I chose on this particular night to check out the microbrewery instead. I’ve been there twice, but both times were the night before Thanksgiving, which as you all know is the biggest bar night of the year. I wanted to see what this bar is really like on a normal Saturday instead and hopefully make a new scientific find.
I was quite surprised, and pleasantly at that! The bar had about 50 or so people in it, live music from a guy who didn’t play Freebird, and there wasn’t an aroma of sweat and smegma lurking in the air.
While the service was poor, the beer was reasonably priced and quite delicious. Good enough, in fact, that I will be making another trip down there just to try more of their brews. Stay tuned for that report sometime in the near future if all bodes well. If you know the place of which I speak, make sure to try both their Oktoberfest as well as their Pumpkin Ale.
Now, as I was there alone, I was able to view a whole new strain of Muppets in a new and less tainted setting. Here is where I realized that there had been a mutation in the Muppet gene pool.
The town folk who came in here were different. There was less than a 10% ratio of mullets to non-mullets. These Muppets had most of their teeth, and in some cases, ALL of them (see “gifted” as noted in PART 1)! There were no sleeveless t-shirts, no dirty hats, and no jeans with circles worn in the back pocket from their tin of chew.
And at that moment, I thought I had stumbled upon an enigma in The Big H. There were no NASCAR jackets. But then, as I was telling myself I must be in an alternate dimension, 3 of them walked in the door within 15 minutes of each other.
These were obviously the Alpha Muppets of the county, because these weren’t just NASCAR jackets, they were designer NASCAR jackets!
These “officially licensed” replicas were pristine. They were so realistic I could almost smell the burning rubber of the tires. In the distance of my mind, I swore I heard some driver incoherently explaining how he managed to pull out another win after putting a few guys into the wall.
The Alpha Muppets were instantly recognized and revered, although they seemed to not be together. They showed respect for one another as well as those around them. Secure in their dominance, there was no need for confrontation.
What a beautiful sight, being able to witness these exemplary specimens. I hope to view more of them on my next trip to The Big H.
And this, dear readers, is my most recent scientific observation of the Muppets in their new habitat. While the setting has changed and the species has evolved, be warned. These are still wild creatures and should only be approached with the utmost respect and fear.
If you’re ever lucky enough, as I have been, to witness them in their natural surroundings, stay calm, speak softly, and grab your camera. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
I wish I could have spent more time studying them, but alas, I was confronted and cornered by not one, but two of the most deadly species in a small town bar: the Sea Donkeys!
Coming next: The Bubba goes face to face with the dreaded Sea Donkeys!
‘Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.Monday, October 20, 2008
Sea Donkeys, Good Beer and Designer NASCAR Jackets, PART 1
Well, kids, The Bubba is back to thrill you with a wild tale of the backwoods. Due to the fact that this has become a much longer story than I planned, I’m going to break this into a few parts so as to let you take this all in. That or you can skip on to the next part if you don’t give a fuck about what I’m talking about.
The Big H – The Overview
I took a short road trip to my old hometown this past Saturday (name of the town held out of respect for myself). Let me explain a few things about the town I grew up in before I begin the debacle that was my evening.
My hometown, or as I’ll refer to it from here out, The Big H, is a small farming community that thinks it’s sophisticated. Granted, while it may be the county seat, that only says less about the rest of the communities surrounding it.
First, The Big H got some class when it got K-Mart. Then, it became a Super K. Might as well be Chicago, right? All right, readers, hold your breath because here’s where things blew the fuck up. The day The Big H went “all out upper echelon aristocrat” was the day when Wal-Mart rode into town. Who the fuck knew that Wal-Mart was all that was holding these inbred Muppets back? I didn’t, but if you’re ever looking for an exercise in odor awareness, go to the Wal-Mart in The Big H. It’s breath taking. Or at least you’ll wish you could stop breathing.
The Big H is chock full of rednecks, 10 cent millionaires who think they know things, and cousin fuckers. Let’s just say that if someone in The Big H is referred to as gifted or touched, it means they either have all their teeth or it was their uncle doing the touching.
The social elitists in The Big H are nothing to aspire to. They drive certified pre-owned vehicles, send their kids to college if they aren’t total ass clowns, fuck each other’s wives and pretend to have worldly knowledge.
While I’ve seen enough hillbillies in my life in that town, given the choice, I’d rather sit and have a beer with one of them than any of the wife fuckers previously mentioned.This, in a nutshell, is a brief overview of The Big H. If you’ve got questions or would like to know more, drop a comment and I’ll be more than happy to get back to you on it.
And at this point, kids, I’m going to do my best James Patterson impression and end this chapter for no reason. Hopefully you’ll read on. If not, go corn hole your dog.
So until next time:
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken
Sunday, October 19, 2008
My Precursor to All Things Bubba
That said, here is just a bit about who The Bubba is and why The Bubba is so damn important:
I'm a full on nerd, seething with ridicuolous amounts of useless random information; I'm a country boy with an appreciation for the world and the ability to see through the bullshit we are fed on a daily basis.
I'm an avid beer drinker who sees no problem with wearing hiking boots, wool socks and shorts in the summer. I've spent countless hours fishing, playing pool, hiking, watching movies, reading comic books and playing video games. All this and I still find it possible to be social. Go figure.
Oh, and lest you forget, I'm smarter than you.
I'll be back at later date to prove this, but for now you can sit and wonder what this rambling hayseed may be talking about in his next post. I'll give you a hint: Sea donkeys, good beer and designer NASCAR jackets. Stew on it, I know you'll be waiting.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.