Saturday, November 8, 2008

Obama proves his superior intellect

For the few of you that may read this blog, I'm sorry that this has become more political and less nerd stuff. I promise I'll get all nerdy on your asses soon enough, but for now, the cluster fuck that is our future government is concerning me greatly.

Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm has been named to Obama's Economic Transition Team. What the fuck was he thinking? Has he not seen what she has done to the economy in Michigan? That's like asking an alcoholic for advice on moderation.

Apparently if you're the Democratic version of Sarah Palin, you don't get ripped on for having zero qualifications. Oh, and we'll let the fact that you ran a state into the ground go unnoticed.

It doesn't matter that 5% of all the homes in Michigan are in foreclosure.

No one cares that we have a 9% unemployment rate. And in case you were wondering where Michigan ranks in the US, it would be dead last.

Nor does anyone give a fuck about the fact that there are 5 new automotive plants being built in the US, but not one of them will be built in the Motor City, let alone anywhere else in this state.

So explain to me, Obama supporters, why would your demi-god pick the person with the worst track record in the Democratic party? I truly don't know, and would love to hear your thoughts.

It's pretty sad when Bill Ballenger, editor of Inside Michigan Politics lists her strengths as "charismatic, a good public speaker, and she's outgoing." You know, Bob-fucking-Barker has all of those characteristics, too, but I don't want him anywhere near my tax dollars.

Ballenger went on to say he even thought that Granholm had a chance at being named the chair of the Democratic National Committee. For the love of God, I'd love to see that happen. Any of you Democrats that think the Republicans fucked things up, wait until you see the Super Team of Granholm and Obama.

Wonder Twin powers, get me the fuck out of here.

'Nuff said. The Bubba has Spoken.


Anonymous said...

I'm reading your shit...but I don't have an answer for you. As you know, I AM an Obama supporter, but however, I DO NOT agree with his decision to appoint Jennifer Granholm. I totally agree that she has put Michigan's economy into mass crisis so I have no idea what Barack was thinking.....Maybe he knows something we don't....maybe....

Bubba the Wise said...

Hey, thanks for commenting!

This is what I don't get either, Jenny. Here you have one of the biggest smooth talkers I've ever seen and intelligent people like yourself fell prey to it.

At what point will his supporters turn on him is my next big question, or will they blindly follow him no matter what he does?

I'm still hoping he knows more than I think he does, but it's actions like these that make me even more terrified for what this country will become under his regime.

"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." - Benjamin Franklin

'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.