Hello again to you faithful few who come here for whatever your reasons!
I'm going to take a step back and just give you some questions to ponder, things that have been running through my mind. I don't have concrete answers to these questions, but I have my own opinions to each of these.
Think about these things, and let me know what you think. Answer one or two, or answer all of them if you wish. Let your voice be heard.
These questions are in no particular order, but rather just randomly popping out of my evil little head.
*If you are going to benefit from Obama's redistribution of wealth, why do you deserve it?
*If you agree with Obama and redistribution of wealth, how much of your yearly income are you currently giving to people who have less than you?
*If you're not giving anything, why should someone else be forced to and you shouldn't?
*Does the American public have the same moral values it did 50 years ago? 20? 10?
*What happened to the value in having a good work ethic?
*Are "poor Americans" really "poor"?
*Do I have the right to tell you how to spend your free time? What about your money?
*What one thing would you most like to see President Elect Obama do in his term?
*At what point is someone considered "rich"?
*Should the media in all of its forms be moderated and forced to give both sides of an argument, or should we leave things as they are?
*At what point does freedom of speech conflict with "fairness" and/or the power of the dollar?
*Are the bailouts of the financial institutions and the auto industry good for our country and the value of the American dollar?
*Does JFK's quote "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" have any meaning in the society of today?
Think these over. Some of them you may not care about. Others you may have some real passion for. A handful or more I'm sure many people have never even pondered.
Tell me, readers. I want to know what you think. I want us to to be able to have a discussion, debate or discourse.
I'll leave you with this: "A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves." - Edward R. Murrow
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What happened to the values our country used to have?
edward r murrow,
work ethics
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*If you are going to benefit from Obama's redistribution of wealth, why do you deserve it?
Ultimately, no-one will benefit from such a redistribution of wealth.
*If you agree with Obama and redistribution of wealth, how much of your yearly income are you currently giving to people who have less than you?
I give about 25-30% to the government. Does this count?
*If you're not giving anything, why should someone else be forced to and you shouldn't?
*Does the American public have the same moral values it did 50 years ago? 20? 10?
Nope. Changes on a daily basis. Greatly depends on frequency of bowel movements. This is true.
*What happened to the value in having a good work ethic?
It was replaced with Unions.
*Are "poor Americans" really "poor"?
Duh. If they weren't poor, they wouldn't be CALLED poor.
*Do I have the right to tell you how to spend your free time? What about your money?
Well, you don't have the right, but you try to a regular basis.
*What one thing would you most like to see President Elect Obama do in his term?
Poop himself at Inauguration. Really let it all out.
*At what point is someone considered "rich"?
When they can genuinely call someone a friend.
*Should the media in all of its forms be moderated and forced to give both sides of an argument, or should we leave things as they are?
Nice. First, the media should be held accountable for the garbage that spews from their pie holes. Second, they should at least be respectfully reporting and not necessarily editorializing and trying to portray it as news and not gossip. Lastly, the media is nothing more then a business enterprise that feeds on chaos, despair, and misfortune. It should be printed on paper soft and quilted, so as not to offend the bottom - as it is used for it's true purpose.
*At what point does freedom of speech conflict with "fairness" and/or the power of the dollar?
Every time someone opens their mouth.
*Are the bailouts of the financial institutions and the auto industry good for our country and the value of the American dollar?
Watch the O'Reily Factor... nuff said.
*Does JFK's quote "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" have any meaning in the society of today?
Only on Jeopardy and Trivial Pursuit.
*Does the American public have the same moral values it did 50 years ago? 20? 10?
No, not the same as 10, 20 or 50 years ago. Who's fault is this? Media? Parents? Mothers? Economy? You could say it's the media, showing all that sex and drugs and whatnot in teen shows like Gossip Girl and the OC. You could say it's parents fault. Parents are too busy to teach their children moral values and mothers are either raising children alone, or must work to provide income. 20 or 50 years ago, it was unheard of that your mother worked. You could say it's the economy because parent's need to work more, in order to provide for their children, thus leaving them with no moral compass. You could say it's video games. They desensitize children against murder, rape, guns, bullying, drug use...should I go on? I think your question should be re worded. *Does the FUTURE American public have the same moral values it did 50 years ago? 20? 10? You can't teach an old dog new tricks, but lord help us if we keep teaching old tricks to new dogs.
*Should the media in all of its forms be moderated and forced to give both sides of an argument, or should we leave things as they are?
This is a tricky question. It's a moot point to say we should leave things as they are. Everyone knows that the current state of news media and media in general is corrupt, and does more harm than good. With that said, violating the first amendment is no good. Our government cannot force the media outlets to say only what they want them to, it goes against our constitutional rights. But, I agree that the information is almost always skewed and there should be something done about it, I just don't know what.
*Does JFK's quote "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" have any meaning in the society of today?
Now this question is a bit skewed as well, no matter how which way i go there is no right answer. If I were an Iraq war vet and I had to answer this question then yes, it means a lot. To him, it means the lives of his friends, the time away from his children, the many threats to his life, all for this 'country'. But in another person's eyes, like maybe a student at a university, with no insurance, taking out thousands of dollars in student loan, then no this has no meaning to them. To them, it's the other way around, what can the government do for me. How can the government spend millions upon millions of dollars for that guy in iraq to sit and eat lobster in the desert while i have no money to buy food. I cannot work full time because i have to go to school but without working, i cannot survive. And Lord help me if i get sick, because I cannot pay to go to the doctor.
Are you asking about patriotism or are you asking about political views? Be specific.
What's up, KP & Stef!
Thank you for your thoughts. To answer your question as to whether or not this was about patriotism or politics, I guess it's both and neither at the same time.
Really, I was getting at ideals and beliefs, but those are definitely part of a persons political views.
I really liked what you said about the American publics morals, and there is no clear cut answer on what has caused the changes.
I think our society has become desensitized to so many things, and I think the primary reason is the media.
The biggest question for me in this whole blog was the one about JFK, but it ties right into the question about the work ethic.
It seems to me that the reason most people I know voted for Obama was because of the redistribution of wealth and what he would/could do for them. Why is it that in today's society, people feel they no longer have to work and make sacrifices for the things they want.
I understand when you say it's hard to work and go to school at the same time. I know, I did it. But what bothers me is that people who are in school have a few choices (assuming they don't have a full ride or are getting their school paid for by family).
Choice 1. Take out student loans and pay them back after you graduate. The catch - interest, but if you know that you'll have to work harder later to pay it back, then you'll be fine.
Choice 2. Work full time, go to school part time. The catch - It takes a long time to get your degree.
Choice 3. Work part time, go to school full time. The catch - you're going to be broke a lot, but you'll be out faster and in a real job sooner.
Choice 4. Work full time and go to school full time. The catch - you sacrifice a lot of sleep and social time, but you appreciate everything more because of it.
I pretty much took choice 4, but I had some help through scholarships and a personal loan I got from my family. That got me through the first 2 years. After that, I was working full time and going to school.
By my last year (I was in school for 6 years) I was working 60 hours a week between two jobs, going to school full time (including senior thesis classes and other capstones) and I had a girlfriend. It can be done.
The problem as I see it is too many young people don't want to work the kinds of jobs that will pay them enough to pay for school. Yes, I worked at a coffee house, but I was also working in a factory at the same time.
People are not willing to work for what they want. They feel they should be given these things for free. You won't learn it if you don't earn it. Write that down.
And for the guy in Iraq eating lobster, let him. Any man or woman who is willing to put his life on the line for the rest of us can eat whatever the fuck he wants. God bless them for what they do.
Most of the time those guys are eating MRE's, and if you haven't had one, they definitely aren't top shelf cuisine.
My point I was wanting to make about most of these questions was that we have choices in our lives and if we choose to take the easy way out, our country will be nothing but a bunch of squatters.
If you want something, then work for it, make sacrifices and earn it. If you choose not to do those things, then I honestly believe you don't deserve it.
Thank you again for letting your voice be heard.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
It appears you missed my point. I was just giving examples of perception. Things like patriotism, work ethic and political views are all affected by circumstance and perception. I don't care how the college student or the army guy should or could change their circumstance, it was just a point I was making.
Indivdual circumstance affects all the things you seem to think that (and it's sad that you stereotype all Americans or groups of Americans like this) NO ONE wants to work for a buck. The question you should be asking is not why, why, why, and then bitching about the reasons. The IMPORTANT questions are, how do we fix it. How do you make the college student want to work harder. No one wants to work for nothing. No one is going to work hard for $7 an hour, and insanely expensive insurance. How do you get him to care about his work? That's what we should focus on as either employers or as a society. It goes back to my first point, the morals and who affects them. Morals and work ethic are affected by the same factors.
To my other points, yes, you may have been raised with a different work ethic than everyone else, but not everyone is like you, so stop acting like they are. Not everyone can see the world they live in the same as the person next to them. Once you accept that, then maybe we can find solutions, instead of bitching about the problems. If we want a group or a culture to change, we need to understand where they are coming from first. We need to get them to change their mindsets, no just yell at them and wag your finger in their face.
I agree that many people in our society, especially those in my age bracket, expect higher pay for less work, but why shouldn't they? That's what they were given, that's what they were told when they went to college, why criticize them after we spent years telling them that?
The questions that should be asked are:
*HOW do we change the moral ethics of American society today?
*HOW do we get each other to WANT to work harder?
You throw out all these observations as if no one in the free world has noticed this before. Where were these questions 10 years ago when the economy was fine and the parents were raising the children that your complaing about today?
Now, I have no solutions, I have no suggestions. I am not bitching or complaining. I am simply stating facts. I am not throwing out silly choices that are moot to the discussion or trying to be hypocritical. I voted in this election as a well versed American who knew what I wanted changed. I want Nationalized health care, and I want my children to go to college for free. These issues are important to me and so I voted in that fashion. I am far too ignorant on all other subjects to make sound suggestions or to bitch about them.
But since last comment you didn't get my point, I will be blunt. My point is that, maybe instead of holding silly discussions on a blog about the issues and questions that have been eating at you, maybe you should do something about it. After school programs, soup kitchens, any sort of charitable work where you can talk to the very people you think need to change. Maybe, just maybe, with a tiny bit of effort on your part, you can see some change.
kp and stef make a good point. Quit bitching and do something about it.
"No one is going to work hard for $7 an hour, and insanely expensive insurance."
- If the option is $7 or $0 I think the choice is quite clear. Then again those with no self respect probably think sitting on your ass cashing your Gubment check is a much better idea.
"I agree that many people in our society, especially those in my age bracket, expect higher pay for less work, but why shouldn't they?"
- Because that's not the way the real world works.
"I want Nationalized health care, and I want my children to go to college for free."
- Yet another piglet hoping to suckle on the government teet.
I just want a real job. One that can be mutually beneficial to both employer and employee - and pay for at least the basics of life.
Basics being: Gas, Food, Insurance, Clothing, Shelter, Transportation, and a little left over for saving for a rainy day.
Hey KP, I just want you to know that I honestly appreciate your opinion and the fact that your commenting on here.
As far as me "holding silly discussions" on this blog and just "bitching", you missed my point.
Apparently you can't or didn't read the original post. The whole reason I put this up was to have a discussion. I wanted to know what you guys thought. I want people to think for themselves. This post wasn't meant to bash anyone or their beliefs, but hopefully create a dialogue between people with differing views.
Stef herself said in a recent comment that she felt that one of the biggest problems is that neither side wants to listen to each other. I'm trying to do something about that. I want to know why you believe what you do just as much as I want to be heard myself.
If you don't have information, there is no such thing as an informed decision. So pardon the fuck out of me for caring what other people think. I can sit here all day and spout shit that I believe in, but what's the point if there is no discussion? I'm trying to listen to all sides of the arguement. I may not agree, but I feel it's important to know.
I'm glad, KP, that you know why you voted the way you did. I don't agree with you, but that's what makes this country a great place, is that we can disagree and talk about it.
As for your statement: "I agree that many people in our society, especially those in my age bracket, expect higher pay for less work, but why shouldn't they? That's what they were given, that's what they were told when they went to college, why criticize them after we spent years telling them that?"
I want to know who the fuck told you you deserve higher pay for less work? And I will criticize people for being lazy and spoiled who expect that someone - whether it be a charitable organization, their family or the government - will just reward them for doing nothing.
You say you want your kids to go to college for free? Who's going to pay for it? The answer is still you.
Let's say you have one child, and I have 8. Your kid goes to college as does one of mine, and both of our tax dollars pay for it. The problem is that you're now going to pay more because I've got 7 more kids lined up to go. This is a no win situation in my mind, but if you think it's important to you, then so be it. Especially to the guy who doesn't have any kids. Why should he have to pay to raise yours?
I honestly would like to hear from you how universal health care, free college tuition, and all these other programs will happen without raising EVERYONE'S taxes and make it a good and viable solution.
I don't disagree that these things could help people, but I'm way to cynical to believe that our politicians would do us proud.
And just so I'm clear, because tone can be hard to detect in writing, I'm not trying to attack you, KP. When you've got two people such as ourselves who are on the different sides of the road to not discuss these things is stupid. It's easy to forget that we may be on different sides, but it's still the same road and we have to share it.
Now, Josh! Thanks for coming back, but seriously man, grow a fucking spine and develop your own opinion rather than piggy-backing on KP's.
I'll be here when you come up with one.
And welcome, Logic Rules! Gotta admit, I'm right there with you. The real world is a bitch and as soon as people realize that the trees won't hug you back we'll all be better off.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
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