OK, before all you little nerds pee your pants, this isn't real. I mean, it's real in the fact that it exists and you can watch it over and over like I did, but it's not a trailer for a real movie. Sit back and watch this beautiful exercise in nerdom.
I'd like to assume most of you would realize this trailer was only a fun little project made by a nerd of the highest level. A nerd that I truly admire, although I've never met him before. I doubt he rarely ever leaves his hobbit hole unless he's running out to replace his worn out 1d20. (That's nerd speak for a 20 sided die)
Regardless, did you see the amazing result from wasting a year and a half of your life? Think of all the sweet things you could do if you holed yourself up and spent over 18 months concentrating on one sole project. Me? I couldn't do it. I'd end up wasted and eating peanut butter off of a wooden spoon.
Just to give the guy credit, he goes by WormyT on Youtube, and apparently he Photoshopped every single frame and then edited this in Photoshop's video editor. Really fucking sweet.
Obviously, you've got Troy, Chronicles of Riddick, and X-Men in there, but there is so much more, and I'm only starting to find all the hidden gems. Snarf from Garfield, Cheetara from Farscape, Kit and Kat from Spy Kids, the ThunderTank from Aliens, Jaga from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Monkeyian and Jackalman from Planet of the Apes. Jesus, this list goes on and on.
There are more things in there, and some I have to verify before I make myself look like an idiot. I don't want to be like Anonymous (not you Josh) and start blurting out shit that doesn't make sense.
So what did you think? What did you find that I didn't mention? And why the fuck can't Hollywood make this movie?
All hail WormyT, for he is an Alpha Nerd. And thanks to Jonny Whatever for finding this and bringing it to my attention. He's also a nerd, but no where near as good at it as WormyT is.
'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Thundercats! Ho!
indiana jones,
planet of the apes,
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Ha ha, that was some funny shit. I bet it took 2 years. . .
Oh, don't forget Lord of the Rings. . .the cat eye (yeah its the eye of ammagato or some shit like that, but I don't want to be mocked here because I remember that from over 20 years ago!) in the sword, was the Eye of Sauron.
Either way. . .it was funny.
There is no mocking of nerds on this blog, only revering their ability to do things others are afraid to do.
You rose to the occasion and showed your superior capacity of nerditude.
You wanna see my collection of d20s? ha ha. I have some d4s, d6s, d8s, and d10s, and an impressive array of Magic Cards.
Superior? No, not at all, I was just adding to your list of movies the guy used (ripped off).
fan fiction can be amusing, but if you are going to waste all that time, why not come up with something new, you know? Granted, that was creative editing, photoshopping, and After Effects use. . .but, still that dude didn't come up with a single original idea there. Neat, yes. Original, not at all.
When we first aired Got the Life, at the WMFVA 4th Walls screens, there was a guy there that had spent like $5000 and several months to make a Star Wars short. It was cool. . .but. . .why not take that $5000 and the time and make your own ideas instead of playing around in George Lucas' cash cow?
And now back to you Babba. . .
I think the thing that amazes me most about WormyT is that he spent over a year and a half doing this! That is true dedication to nerd side.
I'm not saying something else as good or better could have been done, it's only a celebration of all things fan boy.
I noticed Pitch Black and Galaxy Quest in there also, and no, I'm not a nerd, I'm a geek, HUGE difference there, buddy-boy. Way to spend a year and a half on a project that people go "wow! Cool!" and then go back and watch Dramatic Chipmunk or Spaghetti Cat again for the 100th time.
OK I don't know where you found this guy, but I'm feeling more and more out of place in your little nerd quadrant...However, I must say I haven't been this excited about a film in a long time, and I waited until the 2nd week to see the new James Bond. This is a film that needs to be made. PS-it also might be the best product ever to come out of never having a blow job in your whole life. You should try it, WormyT, but not until after Voltron the movie comes out with Clive Owen as Captain Keith and Jet Li as that little guy who drives the green one. "Why do I call myself that? Maybe 'cause it's super bad-ass..."
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