Monday, December 29, 2008

Business in front, party in the back!

Oh, so much to talk about here! Just a couple of gems for you guys I couldn't pass up without posting.

First, one of the great "Literal Video Versions". I'm a huge fan of the A-Ha video, but thought I'd toss this one out from Tears for Fears.

And now, just a few photos I found while browsing the web. I was going to do strictly mullets, but I couldn't pass up the Glamour Shots dude, ala Uncle Rico from Napolean Dynamite. The worst part about this one is I found this on this guy's own personal Flickr site!!! He's so proud of this pic. The tag on it said "taken about 10 years ago" which only makes it worse!!! He's still got a porn stache and wearing a class ring in 1998?

This guy must have definitely been riding a pussy train that wasn't stopping!

The next one scares me a bit, because I pretty sure that this guy would kill me if he ever saw me posting this on here. I can just about guarantee this dude has tons of guns and other weapons with which he could use to dismember and mutilate my body all while wearing my skin.

This last one hurts my soul a little. I know people make themselves look like fucking idiots all the time, but this poor little Joe Dirt never had a chance in life. And to make it worse, I'm pretty sure I went to high school with these people.

So there it is, my dear readers. A little multimedia adventure with Bubba himself. Let me know what you think, I'll try to find some more fun like this in the future.

I mean, fuck it, if I've got nothing pissing me off at the moment, I might as well laugh at some unfortunate fuck stick out there.

'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.


stef said...

There you go! This blog is a pleasure to read again! That mullet should be called "The Last Thing YOu See Before You Die" mullet. Fucking creepy. I support your new format, and lack of windbaggyness. Keep it up!

Bubba the Wise said...

You'll love the next one then. It's a tribute to more mullets and rednecks.

Stay tuned. It should be up later tonight.