Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Precursor to All Things Bubba

So after criticizing my friends on their blog for the last month or so, I decided it was time to let them take a whack at me. While I fully admit I am a backwoods hill-fuck with the testicular fortitude of a retarded billy goat, you may find something here worth reading.

That said, here is just a bit about who The Bubba is and why The Bubba is so damn important:

I'm a full on nerd, seething with ridicuolous amounts of useless random information; I'm a country boy with an appreciation for the world and the ability to see through the bullshit we are fed on a daily basis.

I'm an avid beer drinker who sees no problem with wearing hiking boots, wool socks and shorts in the summer. I've spent countless hours fishing, playing pool, hiking, watching movies, reading comic books and playing video games. All this and I still find it possible to be social. Go figure.

Oh, and lest you forget, I'm smarter than you.

I'll be back at later date to prove this, but for now you can sit and wonder what this rambling hayseed may be talking about in his next post. I'll give you a hint: Sea donkeys, good beer and designer NASCAR jackets. Stew on it, I know you'll be waiting.

'Nuff said. The Bubba has spoken.


Anonymous said...


KP and Stef said...

Oh me Oh my...the humble beginnings of a Wookie! The tales he will tell. I cannot wait!

Love you, ya big teddy bear!